Sunday, February 24, 2013

Season Finale: The Snow Storm: Part 2

We woke up Friday morning to Paul saying, "Kristie, get up, I have to go to work."  Boo!  We were really hoping for a snow day with daddy home all day but we reluctantly got up and let him to go work.  It was okay, though, because we still had lots of fun up our sleeves!!
First we had to paint a snow storm.  Black paper and white paint created our snowflakes, snowmen, and snowballs.  We declared today a stay in your jammie day.  Sam didn't get the memo.  Max LOVED wearing his Perry jammies all day.  He kept say, "Uh, mom, look, I'm still in my jammies!" like he was going to get in trouble.  Then he'd just giggle.

 Of course we had to bring our snow inside!  I filled up pans with snow and brought out their animal bucket to make animal tracks. 
 Oooops - out of order - we were still painting here!
 Ahhh, yes, back to the snow.  We put on our gloves and went to town playing in the snow.  Nothing like gloved hands and bare feet!
 Max of course dismissed the animals and ran to the playroom to grab his cars.  He made tracks in the snow with his cars and played that his cars got stuck in the snow. Emily loved watching the boys play.
 More cars and a giant centipede!
 The centipede made great tracks in the snow.
 We received a disappointing 6 inches (or so they say).  It looked like a lot less!
 Then the dump trucks and diggers came out to haul up the snow.  We all had wet feet and socks for the whole day.
 I cleand out my pantry that afternoon and found 5 or 6 boxes of open cereal that was stale. Ooops!  I almost threw it away but then decided it was time for the boys to cook.  They played with pots, bowls, measuring cups, and the cereal for HOURS!
 Yes, it made a giant mess.  It was a great feeling having wet feet and stepping in crumbled Shredded Wheat!  (sarcastic tone)
 Whoa....we have a dishes problem.
 There were a lot of dishes to wash by the end of Friday.

Sam helped sweep up the cereal.

 However, that of course dispersed the cereal even more so we just left the mess, put on our snow stuff and dove in the white fluffy stuff!
 Somehow (I don't remember how) I washed all the dishes before Paul got home!!  Emily must have napped :)
So that wraps up season 1 of The Kolsrud Life as a sitcom.  It was full of laughs, messes, noise, and absolute delight.  Please join us for season 2 as a major life change may be approaching...!!