Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Episode 17: There's a storm brewing!

What. A. Day.   We don't need the TV, Internet, or radio to tell us that there's a winter storm coming.  Ed Wilson may be out of a job soon as my three are pretty reliable weather barometers.  Overall it was a good day...just busy, busy, busy!  Were were going to go with friends to the Botanical Center but unfortunately our friends have the stomach flu.  I decided to keep the kids in this morning since they were pretty content with playing with their toys.  We spent the morning doing our calendar time, playing trains, mechanic shop, and animals.  Max enjoyed being the mechanic shop owner and asked everybody what tools they would like to buy.  I purchased a screwdriver, hammer, and wrench for $2!  He would ring me up on his cash register and the give me and all my children stickers for being so good.  Trisha later picked stickers off the back of my sweatshirt during our afternoon playdate.  The stickers required no explanation...Trisha just accepted it.

Emily loved staring down the animals until Sam told her the alligator would eat her.  Then the tears came.

 Max joyfully played mechanic shop.  His rates are truly unbelievable!
 Sam lined up his animals according to "hurt" or "no hurt" (meaning meat eaters verses plant eaters)
 Emily sat in her Bumbo watching the animals from a safe distance until Sam and Max attacked her.  The boys love their sister and she doesn't even cry when these squeezes occur.  Sometimes I forget that Sam is only one.  I told him he was in charge of Emily this morning and asked him to watch her on the couch while I ran upstairs to grab a clean onsie.  I came downstairs to find Sam playing with his ball...hmmm...lack of judgment on my part!
 We had to get ready for the snowstorm by drawing snowmen.  When Lincoln and Hudson came to our house on Monday they colored AMAZING Polluck worthy masterpieces.  I decided I needed to majorly step up art education at our house.  Max drew a great snowman!
 Then he wanted to write the word snowman.  I helped him sound it out and he spelled it correctly!  (That is a W in the middle)  We did receive his cousin's valentines today.  They are a year younger than Max but boy, they sure can write!  Max and Sam have some major work cut out for them!  We've been slacking!
 I caught Emily sucking on her two fingers after her nap :)  She took two naps in her pack and play!  She's doing much better today.
 As many of you know, Emily struggles with nursing and usually only eats a bit.  Well this morning she was having a relaxed and good nursing session.  Sam had grabbed Emily's pacifier and stuck it in his mouth and then quickly asked if he could wash it.  I think it was just a ploy to get to play in water.  Since Em was nursing so well, I didn't stop him from pushing a chair over to the sink.  Then I turned around and witnessed this.  Sam's explanation, "want sprayer!"
 And the answer is yes.  I sacrificed a dry kitchen to take the time to grab the camera and shoot the picture.  Yes, Sam did push the sprayer and spray all over the kitchen.
 We then went upstairs for nap time.  Sam is doing GREAT with potty training and will often take of his pants and diaper to go potty in the toliet.  He loves it.  Well, I was changing his diaper before nap and exclaimed that he was dry!  He then gave me this sly smile and sure enough...spouting stream of potty shot up.  I said, "STOP THAT POTTY!" and rushed him to the toliet next door.  He happily stood on the stool and went potty in toliet.  "Yay!  Good job, Sammy!" said Sammy.
After rest time, we loaded up in the van and went and played at Lincoln and Hudson's house.  What an awesome way to end the day!!
This photo must have been taken while I was at the grocery store tonight :)  This is what it takes to get beauty rest around here!

1 comment:

  1. I *LOVE* reading about your days together! It makes it so much easier to go to work when I can see and hear all about it! Thank you so much for your wonderful and hilarious posts Kristie! I love you so very much!
