Friday, January 25, 2013

Episode 7: Move over Robert Frost!

Last night was another rough one.  Emily had a stuffy nose and was unsettled and unable to breathe through her nose for most of the night.  I slept for only a few short hours so my lovely husband allowed me to sleep in for extra half hour AND shower....BONUS!!  I think he was too terrified to wake me up in fear that momzilla would appear.

We had a stay at home day today and the morning was full of activities.  Here is the photographic recap of our morning:
Max played playdoh
 Sam growled at me.
Sam pushed Emily in her swing
While I ate a delicious huge bowl of Greek Yogurt and granola (yes, eliminating dairy lasted 4 hours)
Then the real learning began!  I decided to introduce Max to the Venn Diagram using puff balls.  We put red puff balls on one side and sparkly puff balls on the other side.  The middle was of course red sparkly puff balls.  Max did great and caught on right away!  He even drew his own circle for pink puff balls and then wanted to add pink sparkly puff balls to the middle.


Sam colored while we worked. He told me he colored a grasshopper.
We then strung Cheerios on pipe cleaners to hang on branches outside.  We talked about why birds had to search extra hard for food in winter.

Sam of course thought he was the bird.
Max found our advent calendar and was flipping through the pictures retelling the Nativity Story.  It was then heard him say, "And then the king of the night rode the camel of light."  Move over Robert Frost!  We have a poet in the house!  I'm putting my hope in Max to buy me that gorgeous mansion I have my eye on...keep rhyming baby!!
Emily worked out a lot today and has been very conversational.  She's going to be a vocal lady!  After an afternoon of cleaning and an eveningof America's Top Model while rocking Emily....its a wrap!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Episode 6: Hot dog buns and door bells

Currently the house is amazingly quiet.  Max is at a friend's house this afternoon for a playdate and Sam and Emily are both sleeping.  Emily fell asleep on her playmat while working out  (on her back!) so I'm thinking that's a good sign the Mylicon drops are working :)

Today was another preschool day and the morning started off too early with too much action (like always).  I didn't get my coffee until the ride to preschool so I can't tell you anything that happened before that...too foggy!
Since we were running short on time, I was going to grab a bagel for the ride but saw that my ravenous boys already devoured the last of my breakfast source.  I grabbed the next best thing...a hot dog bun.  Then fortunately remembering my boys' love for carbs, I grabbed two more.  They were ecastic about the surprise after-breakfast snack.  We happily munched on our hot dog buns while Max and I played the numbers and coutning game.  Sam said, "ding dong!  Come on in!" the whole ride to school (25 minutes).  With his tummy full of hot dog bun and mind full of numbers, Max happily bounced off to school.

Sam, Emily, and I came home for a short while and then went to Miss Jen's house so Sam and Emerson could play together.  They colored pictures together while Jen scrubbed her furniture with wipes (major nesting going on there!).  The kids love playing and I'm so appreciative to go to just a calm, relaxing environment with a great friend!!!

Then we picked up Max from school, grabbed lunch, and Max went over to Sam's.  He was delighted to go on his playdate.  I'm cherishing every minute of this quiet time but secretly miss the normal hustle and bustle that Max brings to the house :)

Whooooo loves you??

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Post 5: Three kids are a lot!

We all woke up in moods today.  Well, everybody but Paul and Sam.  Paul never wakes up in a mood.  In fact, has Paul ever been crabby?  Emily had fussed late into the night and woke up several times so I was feeling a bit tired.  Max was wanting a breakfast fit for a queen for breakfast and just couldn't accept a dry piece toast with jelly on it...really...the torture we put him through!  Sam bounced around from room to room content with his paci and Elmo.  Emily decided to tell us she wasn't thrilled with the morning either through her shrill cries.

So I had a decision to make...either make it a laid back day at home or busy morning out so we didn't even notice if we were crabby.  I decided on the latter and planned a trip to Target and the Indoor Playground again.  As we were getting ready and Max was being a bit slow in complying with my directions, I explained to him how he had to be my helper and get his coat and shoes on right away by himself to help us go faster.  I told him I had three kids to get ready and so he could really help me.  Max's response was, "Wow, mom, three kids are kinda a lot, don't you think?"
Yes, Max.  Yes.

We ventured off to Target already behind schedule with a list of 4 things to purchase (dishwasher dtg, Mylicon drops, formula for "oh no, mommy is not around!" times, and a Circo choo choo train for Max if he continued being my big helper.
With Sam strapped in the front of the cart, Emily in her carseat in the mainpart of the cart, and Max holding on to the back of the cart we zoomed through Target in search of those 4 items.  I again was told, "Wow, you have a lot of children."  Yes. Yes, I know.

After we checked out with our 4 items that somehow reproduced into 10 items we jumped back in the van to run back home to grab the cash we forgot and pull out of the driveway to head to the indoor playground when I spotted a garbage can that was not our own.  Back to the driveway we went and out came the garbage can for garbage day...phew.  Then it was off to the indoor playground.

Everybody had my great idea of going to the indoor playground and it was crazy but fun!  I shudder at the germs I exposed my kids to as I could spot the thousands of viruses crawling around but the boys had tons of fun.  Emily slept through it all.  Max found a friend, Dain, and they pretended that Sam was a shark and they were on boats.  Max and Dain ran round jumping, running, rolling around to get away from the shark.  Sam thought it was great fun (he had a ball).   I'm very proud of Max in social situations.  He makes friends very easily and gets a long so well with them.  He was zooming around on a bike when a child came and tried to steal it from him.  Mommy moment!  What to do?  Max technically had it first but this boy was being relentless in wanting it.  So I found another bike to give to the other boy.  This boy was really loving Max's bike and told me, "No!"  Well, I've heard that before, buddy!  So I subtly turned Max's wheel and whispered "Go!"  Max quietly zoomed away while the boy was protesting to me.  As soon as Max was gone, he jumped on the other bike and was content....maybe not the best mommy moment for me, but crisis averted!

Okay!  Emily's fussing so that's my cue!  Later!

Episode 4: Just a Day

(This is from yesterday...Tuesday, January 22nd).

Tuesday was a fairly normal day without a lot of hiccups.  The tornado twisted through our house as we got all three breakfast, dressed, bundled up, in carseats, and out the door for preschool.  Sam, Emily, and I dropped off some donations at Goodwill and returned our library books.  We then went for a spontaneous playdate with Miss Jen and Emerson and their house.  Sam enjoyed eating Cheetos and playing with princesses and make-up with Emerson.  Yes, Paul, I let this worries.  He had no clue where to properly apply the make-up :D
We returned home for a delicious lunch of sandwiches, bluberries, and snow peas.  Sam ate an entire container of Chobani Greek yogurt in addition.  The boys are insatiable lately and nonstop eaters!

(I had pictures of today but they are missing!  I am a concrete learner with computers and if the pictures are not where I know how to use them, they are as good as gone!  So you can imagine our day :)

All three children had rest time and then we built a fantastic train track with tunnels and bridges.  Max and Paul zoomed off to basketball practice after supper and had a wonderful time meeting his new coach, new team members, and practicing drills.  I'm just relieved he came home calling it "basketball" instead of "soccerball" and learning that he threw the basketball instead of kicking it...phew!!

There are wonderful photos of this adventure on FB!

Not too much to report today and sorry about the lack of photos!!  M

Friday, January 18, 2013

Episode 3: Cell Phone Confusion

Today is going to be a flurry of words VERY fast because it is GORGEOUS outside and I need to get the kids back outside today :)

This morning started off with Max peeking out of his bedroom saying, "Mom!  It's light out!"  Sure enough, I opened my eyes and it was bright.  I immediately knew something was wrong and Paul flew out of bed and reported that it was 7:45!!  After making sure that the other two were still breathing we smiled and rejoiced two things 1) we slept in!  2) we had no where to be...phew!

Today we went to the Imagination Playground at the Pioneer Columbus Reacreation Center.  It's a big gym filled with toys for kids to run around and have fun.  As we were gettling ready to leave I expereinced cell phone confusion.  For those of you who don't know what this is, here's the definition. 
Cell phone confusion:  The act of placing your cell phone in you back pocket and when it rings, you run around in circles trying to locate your phone - especially when spinning fast after a cup of coffee
After finding my phone (in my pocket) and confirming our playdate with friends we were off the rec center!
Max was delighted to get out of the house.
At the rec center we met up with Pam, Jen, Jenn, and Kim.  The kids had a blast running around and expelling energy.
This is one of those places where you have to make the decision about being a hermit or getting out and letting your kids be exposed to germs of every kind.  I had to restrain myself from jumping over a sea of kids to remove Max's thumb from his mouth, but I'm proud to say I managed.  After soaking my children's hands in hand sanitizer ever two minutes, I allowed myself to relax and enjoy the moment.  They were delighted to run around and play with other children.

I mean, really, look at their smiles.  I cannot deny them this time to run and play!  If I won the lottery, I would build a huge gym with toys for winter months.  There's nothing more that would make this mama happy!  I'm a firm believer that kids need to get out and play and RUN!  They were not created to sit down and be quiet. 

Then we called Paul and asked if he could meet us for a surprise lunch.  He agreed!  We went to the Cubs Club at the baseball stadium where it overlooked the baseball field.  Max was greatly disappointed that the baseball players weren't out but enjoyed the experience and a french fry or two :)  Sam thought it was a real treat to see his daddy during the day.  After a successful lunch of only two spilled waters, we headed home.

Max and I decided Emily needed a photo shoot since she turns TWO months today!! After taking over 200 photos, it is time to put the computer away and go outside and play! More cute photos of Emmy coming up!!


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Episode 2: The Playdate

Today was a preschool day which means a bit more activity in the morning as we get everybody ready for school.  The drive to school started off rocky this morning.  Max decided to have a meltdown about wanting to go to school.  In the back of the van he cried, "I want to go to school, I want to go to school!  I won't calm down until we go to school!"  We were going to school.   There was some disconnect there.  I think he wanted to hear his own voice.  Sam wanted his "two pa's" (two pacifiers - one in mouth and one in hand) and said "two pa's, two pa's, two pa's"  and Emily protested the ride by crying.  This is when I whip out the Little People CD for desperate times...track 10.  I jacked up the volume and sang again and again, "The wheels on the bus go round and round!"  This got us to school.  Thank you to the person who was as desperate as me to write a song about a bus.

After dropping Max off at school, we eagerly rushed home for a playdate with Jen Owens and Emerson.  Playdates are my favorite part of staying home.  Really they are more for the moms than the children if we're honest.   Now many husbands think that playdages entail moms sitting around nibbling on muffins and sipping lattes.  That is rarely the case.  Usually as a mom, I am desperately trying to keep my kids under control so we don't have any embarrassing scenes.  However today was a rare day :)  I got to enjoy wonderful conversation at 100 miles a minute with my friend Jen as we started about 50 different topics to catch up with everything that has happened since the last time we chatted.

Then it was off to school to fetch Max.   Sam decided to take the lid off his snack container and sprinkle the van with ABC's but at least he was happy.  Max joyfully bounced in the van to join us after a great day of painting polar bears and playing outside at school.  Oh, and Max said the sink ran out of power but Miss Linda fixed it....she's amazing.

Then is the crazy part of the day....lunch.  As soon as we get home Emily, Sam, and Max want to all eat at the same time.  After taking off winter attire, feeding Emily, and fixing lunch we are finally ready to sit down for lunch.
The funny part of the lunch was when Sam started screaming and I asked him what he wanted.  His response was, "Milk and Cookies!"  (only funny to Paul...)
However, it resulted in the quiet step as the screaming continued...
After dealing with a plugged toliet and toddler wanting to try going potty again and again we settled down for rest time.....and a playdate soon to come!  What a great day!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Episode 1: Sprinkles Spectacular

Today started off with a trip to the ear doctor to check on Sam's tubes.  We were delighted to hear that Sam passed his hearing test in both ears.  In addition, both tubes fell out so we no longer need to visit the ENT...praises!

We came home and immediately started a round of gymnastics as the boys showed off their talents with jumping off the fireplace mantel and doing somersaults around the living room while I fed Emily.  This is a daily occurence. 

Then the fun began!!  Max decided he wanted to do a project so we dug out the Valentines' Day crafts and matched hearts to their corresponding color on the rainbow.  Max thought this was a lot of fun.  Sam ate marker tips while we proceeded.  Emily kept waking up as I insisted on her sleeping in her bassinet for her morning nap.
After working on his rainbow, Max decided he wanted to make Valentines using hearts and "sprinkles" (glitter) like on Caillou.  I thought this sounded fun too and grabbed the hearts and glue.  Max started digging through my cupboard.  His idea of sprinkles really meant sprinkles as he found the container of Christmas sprinkles I meant to use for decorating cookies.  I decided to let him go for it as it had the same mess factor as glitter and we got out our glue to get busy.  Here's the result:
Lesson learned:  Don't use candy sprinkles in art projects.  They eat them.  The glue, the paper, the sprinkles...everything.  Can you tell we limit sweets at our house?  They are DESPERATE for sugar!
After the food dye started running down their chins and hands we of course had to follow up with this:
Water Play!
This of course resulted in the boys getting a hold of the sprayer and getting each other while I was cleaning up the sprinkle mess, they decorated themselves and the kitchen with water.  At this point it was lunch time followed by books and rest time.
  Here's what our living room typically looks like at the end of the you come home and see it all nice and picked up....know it didn't stay that way!

After allowing myself a technology induglgence of facebook, e-mail (and now blogging!) I tackle cleaning the house...just to start over again after naps :)

Reality Blog - starring Kristie, Max, Sam, and Emily

Shhhh....I'm secretly supposed to be making lunch for the boys but I'm new adventure.   BUSTED!
A crying infant who was chewing through her swaddle blanket to desperately find a milk source stopped from my blogging experience.  This was quickly followed by a toddler (Sam I am!) who smacked his head with Emily's toy and left a giant welt on his head accompanied by a flow of tears.  As I nursed Emily, Sam found comfort in sucking on Emily's pacifiers and chewing on Emily's nasal aspirator.  Disgusting...but who said reality programs were pretty! 

So this brings me to why I'm starting the Blogging Reality adventure.  You don't need 8 children to have a reality tv show and provide entertainment.   I am documenting and posting these moments for two main reasons:
1) To not forget these days as everyone keeps telling me that these years fly by
2) For my dear, loving husband

Paul comes home on a daily basis and asks us, "How was your day?"  "What did you do today?"  All of us look at him with this zombie look and respond "Fine"  or maybe "Good, we went to the zoo" (but the latter response is only if I had a 2nd cup of coffee in the afternoon).  Paul loves his children dearly and I feel bad that he misses out on so many of the moments. 

So here I am to report the good, bad, and ugly!  Never do I want this blog to become a brag session, complain session, or gloating session.  In the good, all the glory goes to God...only God can give me the patience and wisdom to raise my children in a Christ like way. 

Paul - instead of trying to put together a great Father's day project of our day (which you know would never happen - you're lucky to get a card!), I'm doing this blog mostly for you.  It will include pictures and glimpses of the good, bad, and ugly of our day.  When you retire to your oasis of the basement at the end of a long day, you will finally know what truly happened in our day.  The truth is that what happened are three beautiful blessings - that so graciously give us our purpose, life, and love.
Love you babe!