Thursday, February 14, 2013

Episode 12: Styrofoam is not an appropriate toy

So it finally has hit us.  I've waited years for this phenomenon....the chance to make Valentines for Max's class!!  Pinterest came to my rescue for some cute ideas and we took Max's photo, made a card, wrote a cute saying about bubbles, attached the bubbles and sent him to school.  He didn't really get it at first as he originally thought he got to keep all the bubbles.  However he came home from school with giggles, smiles, and excitement as he recapped the events of his first Valentines Day Party.  How exciting!

Tomorrow I will recap all our Valentines events as I need more photos as supporting evidence so this post will just be a quick recap of the missing blog days of this week.

On Tuesday, Emerson came over to play with Sam.  Sam can now say Emerson and its so cute.  At dinner when we were reading our "conversation hearts", I asked Sam who his friends were and he replied, "Emerson!"  On Tuesday afternoon we had Max's school conference.  We left feeling so proud of him as he received glowing remarks from the teachers.  We had a quick supper at Pizza Ranch.  Then Sam, Emily, and I went to zoo tunes and Max and Paul went to basketball.  Emily was quite fussy on Tuesday but she loved the music class and activity!  Sam just adores the zoo music class and had a smile on his face the entire time.  Max loves going to basketball with Paul and bounces as much as the basketball up and down the court :)

On Wednesday, we went to Graham's house in the morning and had a fabulous time playing with his trucks and balls.  Tiffany introduced us to the Wii game Just Dance and I immediately saw the value of purchasing it for the boys for V-day.  It is an awesome workout and GREAT way to get out energy and exercise during the winter.  Here's what we did in the afternoon:
Emily took a 3 hour nap!
Max and I made his Valentines.  He wrote his name 25 times!!

 The end result...the white text says "I'm bubbling with excitement that you are my friend!"
 We played outside!  The sun felt amazing and we soaked it up! jackets!
 Sam played with the red ball.
 Max played with the digger in the ice and much fun!
 Sam played with the green ball!
 Max played with the dump truck.
 Max was swinging on the rope and swung into the wooden playground which led to lots of tears and our time outside ending.  We made cocktails (juice and ginger ale) and felt much better!

 Pop!  Pop!  More pop please!
 Max LOVES cardboard boxes and wanted to build a parking garage.  I thought it'd be a great idea to bring in styrofoam and build ramps.  It was!  Until the boys decided to break it all apart into tiny messy pieces all over.  Sam literally would take bites out of it and chew it.  Oh...this mama was not pleased!  It took forever to clean it all up!
Emily woke up and said, "sheesh, mom, really?  You gave the boys styrofoam?"

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