Sunday, December 1, 2013

November....Birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Carlee!

It has been an awesome November!  Emily turned 1, Max turned 5, Carlee joined our family (during the day), and we celebrated Thanksgiving.  There have been so many topics on my mind from parenting practices to the craziness of birthdays to sleep...sleep....and more sleep... :)  Since its late, I'm just going to have this be a fun picture blog of the last month.  Here's also a quick list of what everyone's working on :)
*Walking!!  Paul has seen her walk 5 steps!  (I've seen 1 step...hmmm...)
*First tooth popped through the day after her birthday (November 19th)...also when she took her first official step!
*Enjoying more foods such as squash, sweet potatoes, kiwi, oranges, green beans, and jelly sandwiches
*Talking - saying mama, dada, hi, uh-oh
*Loving EVERYTHING the boys do!
*Sleeping a little better :)
*Somebody hit the terrific twos this month! 
*MAJOR middle child syndrome
*Life is NOT fair
*Still smart, sensitive, and so so so so sweet
*Identifies letters
*Sings songs
*Crazy start to the month but he's really taken a role of responsibility on :)
*Reading books he brings home from preschool
*LOVES the Transformers
*Silly and full of life :)
We have loved having Carlee join us this month! Carlee is a bright, beautiful two year old girl that loves to role play, loves Cinderella, and try new things :)
 We started out November making flags for Veteran's Day.  I don't have a picture of the final product but the kids did great gluing on the stripes, blue rectangle, and making stars with paint. 
 We were all super excited about the first snowfall of the year!!
 We love going the to the Valley Community Center and playing in their play area!  Carlee is surfing here :)
 Here they are all riding in a car with our friend Judah.  Carlee is driving.
Max is working hard at teaching Carlee how to play Sequence.
 Emily had a birthday on November 18th and was thrilled to turn one!
 We had a wonderful stay at home day and spent the day giving Emily all the extra attention and hugs that we could.  We enjoyed a feast of hotdogs followed by marshmallows to celebrate her big day!
 Carlee made Emily a playdoh birthday cake!
 We started the Thanksgiving festivities by playing Thanksgiving memory.  We practiced our vocabulary with Thanksgiving words.  Carlee did a great job at remembering where the matches were!
 We practiced our shapes by making pilgrim houses out of popsicle sticks.  We reviewed triangles, rectangles, and squares.
 Sticker fun!!
 We reenacted the first Thanksgiving with the Little People.  Noah and the princesses made appearances at the First Thanksgiving in our rendition!  The pilgrims also arrived in a camper rather than a Mayflower.
We added pumpkin spice to homemade playdoh and practiced rolling balls.  We put them together, added some feathers and googly eyes and woolah!  TURKEYS!
 I LOVE how these turned out and they smelled great too!!

 We spent a morning with scissors, tape, and construction paper constructing the Mayflower out of diaper boxes.  The kids had so much fun making their boats and playing with them!
 Carlee sitting in her boat.
 The children shoveled for me as I sipped my coffee and checked Facebook...kidding!  (maybe....)
 We practiced our counting skills and number recognition with Thanksgiving counting cards.
 Max had fun counting the big ones!
 And then Max turned FIVE YEARS OLD!!!  We are so so proud of you, Max!
 On Max's birthday, we baked him a cake all by ourselves!  It even turned out and tasted great!  Yes, Sam is picking his nose...heehee!
Oh yes...see??  The princesses did attend the First Thanksgiving.... is our Thanksgiving turkey...stuffed with love, smiles, and giggles!!
{Okay...I have to go back now and say that I understand WHY Sammy has middle child syndrome!  Look at the poor child in November...he is MISSING!  Except for the one shot he's picking his wonder the poor child is crying for attention!  December will be a love on Sammy month!!}

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