Wednesday, April 3, 2013

525,600 minutes, 525,000 minutes so do you measure, measure a year?

 A lot of dear moments have happened since  last blogged.  A friend had open heart surgery, our brother had quadruple bypass surgery, a best friend had a baby boy, a dear cousin celebrated the birth of her daughter, a strawberry party, and Easter!  The past few weeks sure had its minutes so dear. 

Today has been full of minutes too...some dear...some not...but I'm going to share my day with you.  If you want to relate, empathize, or tell me about how your day had even more intense minutes, please do!

All these moments happened after I was awake with Emily about 6 times last night.

*Unknown time:  Woke up to Paul shaking me..."wake up, I have to go fix a work problem"  I thought, "no, I need to fix a sleep problem!"  but I instead mumbled..."ok, go to work".  The children woke up bright eyed and chipper.
*7:00 - turned on Curious George in my room and put the boys on my bed.  Popped in Emily's paci in and her in crib.  Attempted to shower.
*7:15 Stepped out of shower to hear Sammy say, "Hair cream!" and realized that over half of my vaseline jar was now in his hair.
*7:17  Jumped back in shower...this time with Sam and washed his hair three times.  Emily is screaming.  Sam's hair is delightfully shiny and still full of vaseline.  Gave up and spiked it.  Managed to get myself dressed.
7:30 Brought down one naked Sammy, one mad Emily, and one hungry Max.
7:31 Found Max and Sam in the bathroom.  Max sat on the toliet with lid closed and Sam was on his potty chair.  Max requested breakfast in the bathroom.
7:35  Chased Sam around and finally pinned him down to get on a diaper.  Emily is still screaming.
7:36 Quickly poured the boys their cereal and nursed and changed Emily.  There was 5 minutes of total silence while all three children ate.  It was heavenly!
7:45 Time to put clothes on all three children.  I don't remember this part of the morning but all three of my kids have clothes on so I must have succeeded.
8:15 (yes, it takes 1/2 hour to clothe all three children)  Shoo kids into playroom and throw away dirty diapers, wipes, and put pj's in laundry
8:30 Sit down to play trains - get Max involved in trains, Sam's reading a book, and Emily content on floor.  I estimate it may last 5 minutes.  So I ponder, what to do with my sacred 5 minutes?  My choices:  eat breakfast, make coffee, throw a load of clothes into washer, blow dry hair, put on makeup, or just sit.  I decide to eat breakfast.
8:35 Eating oatmeal and sipping freshly brewed coffee when I hear the first protest.  Put Emily in bumbo chair.  Gulp down rest of oatmeal and chug coffee.  As I finish, boys are fightng over who gets the green bucket (there is also a yellow and blue one...untouched).
8:40 Resolve conflict - continue playing trains.
8:45 Smell a diaper change is needed and find the culprit - Emily.  Go change diaper and apply diaper cream.
8:50  Find Sam in the kitchen climing on a chair to help himself to a snack in the cupboard.  He grabbed a bag of croutons and poured the entire contents on the picnic table.  Max comes and starts eating croutons with Sam.  I am okay with this as Emily starts fussing again.
8:55 Clean up croutons.
9:00  We have a playdate at 9:30 so I start the process.  I check all diapers again...clean.  Time to go upstairs and get socks.  Pull out coats and shoes and give the boys instructions to put them on.
9:05 I pull Sam down from sink.  He climbed up to wash off his pacifier because it had crouton crumbs on it.
9:15 Still putting on coats, socks, and shoes.
9:20 Time to put Emily in carseat but Sam is already in hers and refuses to get out.  Emily starts screaming so decide to feed her quick.
9:25  Sam took off his shoes and coat and put on Max's shoes instead.  Max is throwing a fit about that.
9:30 Get right shoes on boys and start the process of loading them in the car.
9:40 We pull out of driveway.  Max asks for a snack in the car.  I tell him we are driving for 2 minutes.
9:42 Arrive at playdate...realize I forgot the present we brought for a birthday.  Drive back to house and back to playdate.
9:50 Unload children and have a wonderful, much much much needed playdate with a dear friend and her children!
12:00 Return home.
12:05 Emily is crying and Max and Sam and racing to the fridge for food.  I shoo them in the living room and throw together a quick lunch while poor Emily cries.
12:10 Max, Sam, and Emily are quiet again...for 5 minutes...eating
12:30  Rock Emily to sleep
12:40 Put Sam down for a nap and Max goes to his room for quiet time.
12:45  Make my own lunch and sit down to blog.  An hour later my blog is finished.  In that hour, I put Emily back to sleep 3 times and found Max in my room sneaking the touch pad (tsk, tsk!).  However, I successfully ate my lunch.
1:45 Drink some coffee and clean!

There are a lot more minutes to this year!  And I am blessed for each and every one!


  1. Such is life right now, isn't it? Glad you found time to document it :o)

  2. Wow, and I though I had a full day dealing with problems at work! I really am sorry that I had to get you up early...and stay late at work... And work again while you took all three kids to the grocery store to get snacks for Max's class tomorrow. I know it was a very challenging day, but I love you all the more for your patience and love with our three wonderful children!!!
