Monday, January 6, 2014

Confession: I'm that mom that posts food pictures to Facebook.

You've all seen it.  I've started.  I'm mixing Pinterest with Facebook and posting and sharing those healthy juices, whole foods, organic blurbs, and recipes.  I've even crossed that food line and am posting photos of my kids eating my creations.  I'm that mom.  Admit've thought it...why is she posting pancakes...all that means is that she followed some recipe she found online, took the time to make them while her kids sat in front of a screen of some kind, and then she snapped a picture....did anyone actually even eat them!?

And that friends is WHY I post the photos.  Because it's a therapeutic road to overcoming a great obstacle of mine...THE KITCHEN.  You see, I dislike cooking, baking, and cleaning up the kitchen.  I'm notorious for looking at a recipe for 2 seconds and immediately disregarding it because I don't know what broil, roast, sautee, or aminos mean.  And I'm not patient.  When I see all those steps and ingredients I way.  A bowl of cold cereal is much easier than homemade way.

Until recently.  Emily's food allergies and our whole family's commitment to eating real, whole foods for better health has forced me to overcome this chip on my shoulder about the kitchen.  We all know that whole foods and real foods are better than processed.  Plus, the older I get the worse I feel when I eat unhealthy processed foods.  I knew that we needed to change.  And I decided to go all pioneer and crunchy and be that whole foods mom that posts pictures of food on facebook. 

So please know, when I post a photo of pancakes it's because I'm celebrating something that YOU'VE probably already mastered (serious kudos to all those kitchen lovers)!!  I truly had never made homemade pancakes, granola, or juices until now.  And I'm making a discovery....they taste good and it is semi-fun (let's not go overboard, though).  I post the photos because my house did not burn down and the food looks edible.  Trust me, that to me is Facebook worthy!!

(And to those moms who post food related topics and have mastered the kitchen...please keep on are my hero!)

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