Monday, May 3, 2010

Smack in Front of My Face

I had an appointment to take Max to the AEA to get his hearing checked at 3:00 in Indianola today. I had a map and written directions and left in plenty of time to get there. Friends warned me it was not an easy place to find because of the one ways and small signs. I had a hard time telling exactly where the office was located but I knew I was close by so I decided to park and get out and walk to find it. I turned off the car, unloaded Max, and started venturing around looking at street signs. I figured out where I was and tried to understand the map that had been mailed to me. Max helped by pointing at the map. I knew I was pushing my time so I decided to walk back to my car as I saw a group of ladies that I thought could help me. They studied the map and helped me figure out where the office was. "Why, it should be located just right here!" All of the sudden, I looked up at the sign and we realized we were standing right in front of the office! The ladies shared a nice laugh with me. The receptionist observed everything that happened and also shared a laugh. Yes, I had parked right in front of the office and not even bothered to look at the sign.
As I was driving home, it hit me that God is right smack in front of my face and I go looking for Him other places. I keep thinking, if I just go around this corner and walk down this street, I'll find Him. In other words, if I volunteer here, or keep myself busy, or buy the new Christian CD then I'll find God. Of course those are all good things but sometimes I forget to YIELD and WATCH, and WAIT. I get so wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that I forget to stop, pray, and watch - really open my eyes to see that God is smack in front of my face.
Today I had tunnel vision as I was looking for the office. I feel like I have tunnel vision right now in my faith too. And its a tunnel that's going faster and faster but that is missing moments to find God. To find God in people and experiences that I pass by every single day because I'm looking somewhere else.
What a good lesson today!